COVID-19 Updates

Masking Update

The governor has announced that the existing statewide mask mandate will be expanded once again to include large outdoor settings with more than 500 people effective Monday, September 13th. The Downtown Yakima Farmers Market generally only sees up to 200 people at one given time and does not see the new mandate effecting the market at this time. To make sure we stay within the new state mandate, a count will be conducted every 15 minutes for attendance.

Please help us maintain a safe and enjoyable shopping atmosphere for everyone, by doing your part:

  • We will now be strongly recommending that all shoppers wear masks at our markets, regardless of vaccination status.
  • We will also be strongly recommending all staff, volunteers, and vendors to wear masks regardless of vaccination status. Concerns about market policies may be directed to

Thanks to Yakima Valley Emergency Management and The City of Yakima we are still able to pass out masks at the to shoppers who many need one. Please visit the information booth to collect. We will continue this trend each weekend while supplies last.

COVID-19 Updates:

  • There are no capacity restrictions or lines to enter the market. 
  • All customers are strongly encouraged to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
  • Music, entertainment, and market events are still limited.
  • NFM and Public Health no longer regulate touching/handling of produce handling. 
  • Eating and drinking while walking around in the markets is allowed. 
  • Individual farm and market businesses may set their own safety requirements; please read signage at stands. 

Market Updates:

We’ll continue to post updates in DAY’s monthly newsletter, DYFM social media and on site at the market. We deeply appreciate your ongoing support, and your continued patience as we work with the City and the Dept of Health to monitor and mitigate ongoing safety concerns.

CLICK HERE to donate to the DYFM

CLICK HERE to receive our monthly Downtown Association of Yakima e-newsletter.

Thank you!

We want to thank YOU for your patience, support, and respect this past year and a half. Amidst widespread closures, farmers markets were deemed essential. Our market is crucial to 70+ growers, food producers and a variety of other small business types who sell at our market, as well as to thousands of Yakima Valley residents who rely on them for fresh food and community connection. This work is only possible thanks to our community.

We reconfigured our farmers market to keep it open and safe for shoppers, producers, and staff. We have also continued to work with the community and public partners to enhance the spending power of low-income and food-insecure families.

For 4 years, the Downtown Yakima Farmers Markets has been a resource for Yakima residents and Washington’s small family farms and businesses. You can continue to rely on us and the producers we support for access to fresh food, a community space, and a food system that honors our farmers and workers.

Farmers Market Vendors:

For additional information regarding financial support for food and farm businesses impacted by COVID-19, please visit the following sites:

For additional resources, check the Yakima Chamber of Commerce website, Yakima Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and Yakima County Development Association.

Information on the Paycheck Protection Program can be found here.

Remember to check our website, Instagram & Facebook pages regularly for updates.